Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Late-night Chinese in Boston

We've made it to Boston and now we're having late-night Chinese delivery food for dinner. The Chinese place was the only restaurant that delivered, so there really wasn't a choice in the matter. Fortunately, it was pretty good Chinese, so we're not complaining.

The entrees were accompanied by the hottest spicy mustard we've ever had. Tracie put a reasonably-sized dollop of it on her egg roll without tasting first. The bite she took was immediately followed by tearful clearing of her sinuses. I admit to wishing I had a video of this, because it was quite funny, if you weren't her.

Tomorrow's flight from Philadelphia to Frankfurt is continuing to slowly fill up. Right now, there's only 4 seats in first class and 2 in coach. Obviously, we're really hoping the numbers don't change much between now and tomorrow.

Off to bed to get some sleep before more travel adventures tomorrow!

Boston, here we come

Tracie and her mom will be picking me up from work and taking us to the airport soon. Tomorrow's flight to Frankfurt is filling up...only 9 seats left on the entire plane! I really hope there's 2 seats left for us, but we really can't do anything other than hope. If it fills up, we'll find another way!

The day is here

It's early on Tuesday morning and our flights are looking good. None of them are close to being full, except for the flight from Philly to Frankfurt. 16 seats are still open on that flight, so I hope that doesn't change today and tomorrow!

I'm checking us in and printing boarding passes now, then I'm off to work until it's time to head to the airport for our Boston flight.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Off to Germany this week!

This week, Tracie and I are headed to Germany for our second visit! Why? To visit Tracie's cousin Casey, her husband Rick (who's in the Air Force) and their three kids. We went last year and had a great time, so we're going back. Also, we've really missed them since they've been stationed overseas.

The big difference with our trip this year is that I work for an airline and we'll be traveling using employee flight benefits. That means that it's really cheap for us to fly, but we have to travel standby; this is known as non-revenue travel, or non-rev. Last year, we didn't have those benefits, so we paid a bunch of money for the privilege of being crammed into little seats on a plane for many hours.

Flying standby means that taking the most direct route is often not the best idea. Instead of just going from Phoenix to Frankfurt via Philadelphia, our journey is going to span two days and involved an overnight stay in Boston before going to Philly and then Frankfurt. At least, that's the plan. If flights get full, we may change our plans again! You have to be flexible and often quite patient when you non-rev.

While we're in Germany, we'll probably spend most of our time with the family at their house, but we're planning to take a few days for all of us to drive over to Paris. I've never been to Paris, so I'm happy to see anything there, but if I had to pick one landmark, it would have to be the Eiffel Tower.

We're nearly all packed, so it's time to finish last minute stuff. Look for pics and blog posts to come!