Saturday, January 17, 2009

Orlando Day 2

Niki and Matthias picked us up at 8 a.m. and we headed to breakfast at the "world famous" Panera. There was no way we could miss this grand opportunity, since everyone we know who lives anywhere near a Panera is completely enamored by its charms. Breakfast was great and we got to enjoy some time with baby S. 

After dropping S off at school we headed to Walt Disney far "the happiest place on earth"....this isn't just an advertising scheme people, it is physically IMPOSSIBLE to frown at this place, even if it's seriously cold!

We began our Disney adventure on Space Mountain. I was a little nervous, but the back made it through... hip Hip HOORAY!!!!!! We made it around the park and hit pretty much every ride we loved, including three runs on Pirates of the Caribbean...yup, it was a favorite for all. Splash Mountain was closed, but we were all so cold that we didn't really care. We also introduced the Eggert clan to the super-yummy pineapple whip that Matt and I never miss when at a Disney park. If you have never had it, it's in Adventureland and is the greatest treat...pineapple whip is one of those things that you can only get at Disney, so please give it a try if you have the owe it to yourself.

We stayed until after the fireworks...didn't watch them, but got in some great rides and dinner, hopped on the monorail and back to the car. We were all completely exhausted, but incredibly happy!

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