Thursday, April 9, 2009

Back in Pickliessem

After a pleasant drive, we made it back to Germany from Paris yesterday. Since then, we've taken it easy and relaxed for the most part. Peighton had t-ball practice yesterday and Rick is one of the coaches, so after we got back, they left for that.

Also, Peighton had to go and get cavities, or "sugar bugs" as the dentist calls them, fixed this morning, so she headed off with Casey in the morning, leaving Tracie and I to play with, er, watch Conner and Rheagan. We had a ton of fun just getting to spend time with them.

Peighton was very good at the dentist's office and came home feeling OK. We spent the rest of the day getting laundry done, helping Casey clean around the house and just having a great time playing with all three kids. After dinner was done and the kids had gone to bed, we finished off the evening with a several head-to-head competitions in Guitar Hero on the Wii. We're all rock stars, I'm sure of it!

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